To study the lived experience of women involved in marital infidelity about meaning and factors associated with betrayal
Fatemeh Asgari (Master of Science in Psychology)
Mitra Khaghanifard (Department of Psychology, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran)
Bahareh Asna Ashari (Department of Psychology, Allameh Tabatabai University, Iran)
In today’s world of communication reasonable and legitimate, necessary and integral parts of social life,But what could hurt the legitimacy of the rule of relationships that can undermine the foundations of social relations. Because such relations irreparable injury to public morals and personal life and religious import. Infidelity is one of the growing problems of Iranian society is a growing concern Becky marital infidelity problems of a society of Iran as a growing concern is that the instability in relationships is high divorce rates. This study aimed to investigate the factors associated with them from abstaining betrays the women involved in marital infidelity .Theresearch is qualitative method kind of phenomenological me the research for the scientific issues to weber’s conceptual issues and ideas shaping testing theory insist. Infect, this research could lead to the development of theoretical manager. Asample 41 of women are involved in marital infidelity that 28 of the women betrayed a betrayed woman is 13. Given the result of the research question the highest percentage of women who have committed treason in his definition of treason as regards sexual feeling outside of marriage have recounted. Among the factors correlated with the treachery of the highest percentage of lack of sensual and emotional need. Indifferent to life and lack of responsibility and outside the home friends are experienced. Marital infidelity, marital infidelity, attention, internet communications satellite program know causes of marital infidelity.Unfortunately, in our country’s substantial scientific research has not been done much about betrayal and the reasons behind it the result is that statistics also expressed clinical experiences and advice of psychologists and experts who dealt in this article.
Fatemeh Asgari (Master of Science in Psychology)
Mitra Khaghanifard (Department of Psychology, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran)
Bahareh Asna Ashari (Department of Psychology, Allameh Tabatabai University, Iran)