The overall effect of group therapy on increasing the self-esteem of Esfahan prisoners
Elahe Ghasemi and Ehsan Kahrizi (Consultant Education Isfahan, Province, Iran)
Adel Ghari (Advisor to the General Directorate of Prisons and Education in Isfahan, Iran)
Psychologists believe many factors are involved in the development of maladaptive behaviors and delinquency people, including low self-esteem of these factors can be named. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of group therapy on increasing self-esteem integrated monotheistic male prisoners in Isfahan. A total of 24 male prisoners at the central prison of Isfahan health clause based on self-concept test, low self-esteem had been diagnosed, were randomly divided into two groups of 12-member test And the control group were assigned. Then integrated monotheistic therapy in 12 sessions of 90 minutes for the experimental group and after therapeutic intervention to re-esteem of both groups took tests. The results showed that the mean score of self-esteem, then there is a significant difference test. Thus it can be concluded that the prisoners be integrated monotheistic therapy leads to increased self-esteem.
Elahe Ghasemi and Ehsan Kahrizi (Consultant Education Isfahan, Province, Iran)
Adel Ghari (Advisor to the General Directorate of Prisons and Education in Isfahan, Iran)