The effectiveness of play therapy on social skills and academic performance of students
Sosan Pajoman and Nazanin Honarparvaran (Department of Counselling, Marvdash Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of play therapy on social skills and academic performance of elementary daughter students of the four areas the city of Shiraz. Due to the nature and purposes of research was used of the practical and implementation of the correlation method. The study included all female students in the first and the third grade of primary school of the four area the city of Shiraz 2014-2015 in the academic year that was selected 40 persons, in two test and control groups (each group 20 cases) by cluster random sampling method and randomly. For data collection was used Social skills of Matson (1983) and academic performance of shades and Taylor (1990). Data analysis was used using analysis of covariance. The findings showed that play therapy has influence positive direction on social skills and academic performance of students.
Sosan Pajoman and Nazanin Honarparvaran (Department of Counselling, Marvdash Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran)