Self-esteem, gender and academic achievement motivation for undergraduate students
Pages: 1427-1429
Chandra Shekhar and Palak Malhotra (Department of Psychology, University of Jammu, Jammu)
Self-esteem is one of the strongest research topics in psychology. Research has documented the important role high self-esteem plays in academic achievement, social and personal responsibility. Self-esteem is the one key ingredient that affects the level of proficiency in all fields of endeavor. Self-esteem has been correlated to job success, school achievement, general happiness. The relationships between self-esteem and academic achievement motivation have received much attention. Gender is generally asserted to impact upon the growth, demonstration and manifestation of self-esteem. This study examined self esteem, gender and academic achievement motivation. 40 boys and 40 girls within the age of 18 to 21 yrs from 2 Govt. colleges of Jammu were selected as a sample. Data was collected by administering Rosenberg self esteem scale by Rosenberg while Academic Achievement Motivation test (AAMT) by Dr. T.R Sharma was used to measure academic motivation of college students. Random sampling technique was used in the present study. The data obtained was analysed statistically and the study revealed that there is a significant difference in the self esteem and academic achievement motivation of boys and girls.
Pages: 1427-1429
Chandra Shekhar and Palak Malhotra (Department of Psychology, University of Jammu, Jammu)