
SAP-ERP: Effectiveness of Education and Training Process

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Anuradha Khatri and Jagbir Ahlawat (Department of Computer Science, Monad University, UP and Maharaja Surajmal Institute, New Delhi)

SAP-ERP supports employee through every phase of their employment with an organization. The solution helps business identify and retain top performers, leverage their talents, align employee goals with corporate goals and maximize the impact of training. The objective of this paper is to investigate the effectiveness of the SAP-ERP training process and what can be done to improve it. As the education and training program is the necessity to implement and handle each information system of any organization. To study this ,this paper will evaluate the impact of training program for ERP implementation ,to make the user comfortable with the system and increase the expertise and knowledge level of the people, in this paper for the current study the user training and education variable consisted of different (09) parameters. Data collected from different respondents will be calculated and analyzed to find Mean, Standard Deviation and Variance.


Anuradha Khatri and Jagbir Ahlawat (Department of Computer Science, Monad University, UP and Maharaja Surajmal Institute, New Delhi)