Role of informational justice in job satisfaction: Fairness in Indian software companies
Pages: 87-92
Yukti Gill and A. K. Srivastava (Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Science, BHU, Varanasi, UP)
This research study analyzed the strength of impact of informational justice on employee’s job satisfaction vis-a-vis other dimensions of organisational justice i.e. distributive, procedural and interpersonal justice. The sample of this study was 250 Indian software employees. Pearson correlation table revealed that out of the four dimensions of organisational justice, informational justice is most strongly correlated (ρ=.594) with employee’s job satisfaction. Further, hierarchical regression method was employed and the result showed informational justice has largest influence on job satisfaction. This means free flow of information and proper justification for any decision taken matters more to software professionals than the outcomes itself.
Pages: 87-92
Yukti Gill and A. K. Srivastava (Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Science, BHU, Varanasi, UP)