A Study of the Predicament of Indian Immigrant Women: Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s Queen of Dreams
Gurinder Kaur Singh (Department of English, P.G.G.C.G., Sector-11, Chandigarh)
This story of an emotionally distant mother and a daughter trying to find herself transcends cultural boundaries. Queen of Dreams combines the elements that Divakaruni is known for, the Indian American experience and magical realism, in a fresh mix. The tale succeeds on two levels. She effectively takes the reader into an immigrant culture but she also shows the common ground that lies in a world that some would find foreign. The search for identity and a sense of emotional completion is not confined to small corners of the world. It is a dilemma that all readers can understand.
Gurinder Kaur Singh (Department of English, P.G.G.C.G., Sector-11, Chandigarh)