Analytical study of organization, participation in adventure sports among universities of India (Across UGC Xth Plan)
Pages: 69-73
Jagbir Singh Boora (Singhania University, Singhania )
Baljit Singh (Govt. College, Hisar)
The aim of study was to evaluate effectiveness of UGC Xth plan scheme of adventure sports among universities and colleges of India. An evaluative survey was conducted on a sample of 1959 subjects, selected on purposive sampling basis from universities and colleges of India. It was found that only 138 universities and colleges of 18 states and 3 UTs organized adventure sports activities for their students during UGC Xth plan period of adventure sports. Results of study further shows that in total 1932 men and women students from Indian universities and colleges participated in adventure sports activities during UGC Xth plan scheme period of adventure sports. Conclusion of various government and non government organizations surveys shows that there were 5762 universities and colleges in India recognized under 2(b) and 12(f) of 1956 UGC act excluding medical, agriculture and private universities and colleges during scheme period. Out of 1932 participants 1624 were male and 308 were female where as findings of study shows that 11867095 male/female students were enrolled with above 5/62 institutions during time period of UGC Xth plan scheme of adventure sports. Results of study concluded that organization level was 2.40 percent and participation level was 0.01 percent collectively as well as respectively among universities and colleges and their students in India during UGC Xth plan scheme period of adventure sports. Introduction of scheme in mid of the Xth plan and uneven organization / participation shows lapses in implication of this well structured plan. Even organization / participation first time in such a large country like India may be encouraged. It is suggested that for overall development, harmonious development and to build up confidence of Indian youth these games must be introduced more effectively in XIth plan by UGC for youths of India.
Pages: 69-73
Jagbir Singh Boora (Singhania University, Singhania )
Baljit Singh (Govt. College, Hisar)