Organizational citizenship behaviour: A literature review of the dimensions and antecedents
Pages: 351-356
Aditi Sharma (Department of Psychology, The IIS University, Jaipur, Rajasthan)
Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) has been explored and researched by scholars for more than twenty five years and it continues to be an area of interest for researchers. OCB has been defined in the literature as a multi dimensional concept that comprises all positive behaviours that are relevant for the organization which include traditional in-role behaviours, organizationally relevant extra-role behaviours, and political behaviours like full and responsible participation in the organizational things. This paper is an effort to understand the meaning, nature and scope of OCB and to study the various dimensions and antecedents of OCB. The paper gives detailed discussion on the five dimensions of OCB and the antecedents referring to other dimensions of OCB given by various researchers from time to time.
Pages: 351-356
Aditi Sharma (Department of Psychology, The IIS University, Jaipur, Rajasthan)