Green marketing: A new concept in changing time
Pages: 39-41
Rajwanti Sharma (Department of Commerce, V.A.K. (P.G.) M. Bahadurgarh, Haryana)
Jai Pal Sharma (Department of Commerce, G.B.D.College, Rohtak, Haryana)
Marketing is everywhere. formally or informally, people and organizations engage in a vast number of activities that could be called marketing. Good marketing has become an increasingly vital ingredient for business success. And marketing profoundly affects our day-to-day lives. It is embedded in everything we do-from the clothes we wear, to the Web we click on, to threads we see. Environmental issues have gained importance in business as well as in public life throughout the world. It is not like that a few leaders of different countries or few big renowned business houses are concerned about the day to day deterioration of oxygen level in our atmosphere but every common citizen of our country and the world is concerned about this common threat of global warming. So in this scenario of global concern, corporate houses has taken green-marketing as apart of their strategy to promote products by employing environmental claims either about their attributes or about the systems, policies and processes of the firms that manufacture or sell them. Clearly green marketing is part and parcel of over all corporate strategy; along with manipulating the traditional marketing mix(product, price, promotion and place) , it require an understanding of public policy process. So we can say green marketing covers a broad range of activities. Different writers has given different definition about green marketing which tried to cover all major components of green marketing. This paper will attempt to introduce the terms and concept of green-marketing; about the importance of green marketing; examine some reasons that make the organizations interested to adopt green marketing philosophy; it also highlights some problems that organization may face to implement green marketing and it’s managerial implications. Last but not the least the paper “Green Marketing A New Concept In Changing Times”, is a conceptual paper on green marketing, which is an emerging area of interest. There is a need of paradigm shift in the way the management institutes and business- houses think about their role in attaining sustainable development.
Pages: 39-41
Rajwanti Sharma (Department of Commerce, V.A.K. (P.G.) M. Bahadurgarh, Haryana)
Jai Pal Sharma (Department of Commerce, G.B.D.College, Rohtak, Haryana)