
Impact of Social Media on Women: A Comprehensive Review

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Page: 271-278

Bhavya Nanda and Sneha Narayan (Department of Psychology, Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth, Faridabad, Haryana)


Page: 271-278

Bhavya Nanda and Sneha Narayan (Department of Psychology, Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth, Faridabad, Haryana)

Social media has become a pervasive phenomenon which is affecting the life of all genders and all age groups across different demographics. This paper explores the multifaceted impact of social media on women examining its positive and negative consequences. Drawing upon the conclusions of 25 related and relevant review of literature, this study highlights the diverse ways in which social media influences women’s lives. All the researches were systematically compared with each other to understand the common pattern in which social media is impacting the lives of women. The present research concludes that it has both positive and negative effects in their lives. On the positive side it gives a platform for women to learn and earn simultaneously whereas on the negative side it leads to low level of self-esteem among women. In addition to it, it leads to a situation of comparison and idolization of unrealistic beauty standards consequently leading to various psychological illnesses like depression and anxiety. It further has a detrimental effect on having a healthy partner and married life.