Impact of organizational citizenship behavior on job embeddedness: A study among the indian scientists
Pages: 195-198
Dhruv Shankar Dutta, K. Muthu Kumar and S. Riasudeen (Department of Management Studies, Pondicherry University, Kalapet, Puducherry)
The discrete behaviors have their own impacts. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is one with consideration of positive influence on employee and organizations. Objective of the study is to observe the influence of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and its dimensions with Job Embeddedness (JE). Structured questionnaire had been circulated among the scientists working in different organizations in India. The valid responses of 111 professionals show the positive and significant correlation of OCB with JE. Further, the analyses results of high impact of OCB’s two dimensions (i.e. Civic Virtue&Altruism) on Job Embeddedness suggest promotion of appropriate environment in organization for optimization of attitudinal behavior.
Pages: 195-198
Dhruv Shankar Dutta, K. Muthu Kumar and S. Riasudeen (Department of Management Studies, Pondicherry University, Kalapet, Puducherry)