Impact of developmental process on the status of women: A geographical analysis
Pages: 252-255
Somvir Bhoria and Joginder Singh (Department of Geography, M. D. University, Rohtak, Haryana)
Development is a multi dimensional phenomenon which exerts its impact on every aspect of human life. It is commonly accepted that with the developmental process gender discrimination tends to decrease in all the spheres of life. In past many studies (Bsal (1999), Kumar (2002) Prakasha (2003) have also proved that the change in attitude of society with development is not same in all the cases. Present paper is an attempt to bring out how gender relation is related to developmental process in the case of Haryana by employing deprivation index on selected developmental indicators at district level.
Pages: 252-255
Somvir Bhoria and Joginder Singh (Department of Geography, M. D. University, Rohtak, Haryana)