Gratitude and forgiveness as a predictor of well-being among female college students
Mehar Hema Kumari and Madnawat A.V.S (Department of Psychology, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan)
The study was carried out to find out the effect of gratitude and forgiveness on well being among female college students. The sample consisted of 60 female college students of age 18-21, selected purposive sampling method from international college of girls of Jaipur city. Gratitude, forgiveness and well being were measured by Gratitude Questionnaire (GQ-6; McCullough, 2002), Heartland Forgiveness Scale Thompson (2005) and Well-being Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985), respectively. It was the co-relational study. The results showed that gratitude and forgiveness was significantly correlated with well being. Multiple regression analysis indicated that only gratitude was found important predictor of well being.
Mehar Hema Kumari and Madnawat A.V.S (Department of Psychology, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan)