Emotional maturity in widows and widowers
Sr. Christine Fernandes (Principal of St Francis College, Begumpet, Hyderabad)
Samineni Hilda David (Lecutere, St Francis College, Begumpet, Hyderabad)
Emotional maturity is a process in which the personality is continuously striving for greater sense of emotional health, both intra- psychically and intra- personally. The study examined the emotional maturity among widows and widowers. The sample included 120 widows and widowers out of which 60 were widows and 60 widowers. The five dimensions of the scale namely: Emotional instability, Emotional regression, Social adjustment, Personality disintegration and Lack of independence were considered for the analysis. The results revealed that widows are emotionally mature than widowers, the results being supported by the t value (2.306), significant at 0.05 level. Further, considering the dimensions, Emotional instability and Social adjustment was found significant at 0.05 level and Personality Disintegration significant at 0.01 levels.
Sr. Christine Fernandes (Principal of St Francis College, Begumpet, Hyderabad)
Samineni Hilda David (Lecutere, St Francis College, Begumpet, Hyderabad)