Effect of demographic profile on customers’ behavioral intentions in public sector banks self-service technologies
Pages: 2045-2050
Tarannum Mohan (Department of Management, Punjabi University Regional Centre for Information Technology & Management, Mohali, Punjab)
With banking reaching the doorsteps of customers, it is imperative to know if the technology is providing competitive edge to the banks or not. It also needs to be known whether public sector banks, which were slow in adopting technology, are able to compete with private sector banks. It is therefore important to examine if the banking customers have any intentions of using these technologies. The study examines the effect of demographics profile of the customers’ on their behavioral intentions with regard to branch banking, ATM, Mobile banking and Internet banking of Public sector banks. A survey was conducted in public sector banks of Chandigarh and a sample size of 300 was taken. The study reveals that behavioral intentions of customers towards branch banking were significantly related to their occupation; education in mobile banking and occupation in Internet banking. besides this, income was a common parameter which significantly effects all the four delivery channels.
Pages: 2045-2050
Tarannum Mohan (Department of Management, Punjabi University Regional Centre for Information Technology & Management, Mohali, Punjab)