Compare social self-esteem and social identity marriage official and white (unofficial) in men Tehran
Mohammad Ali Baghzari and Bagher Sanai (Department of Counseling, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran)
The aim of this study was to compare social self-esteem, basic needs and social identity of marriage and cohabitation men in Tehran, respectively. The population consisted of cohabitation married men, 54 people and 54 men, married people who were selected by convenience sampling. Choose marriage on the basis of similarities and commonalities (age, education & occupation) and cohabitation men were married. To collect data from the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (1979), Deci and Ryan Questionnaire Basic Needs (2000) and a questionnaire Saffarinia and Roshan Social Identity (2011) was used. Comparative data using independent t-test were analyzed. The results showed a significant relationship between the self-esteem of cohabitation men and married there. Between the subscales of autonomy, competence and relevance of basic needs in married cohabitation men and married there is no significant relationship. He average sub-scale collective identity and individual identity and married cohabitation men in marriage, there is no significant relationship.
Mohammad Ali Baghzari and Bagher Sanai (Department of Counseling, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran)