A construction of the philosophy of education: A critical reflection on educational thoughts of emmanuel kant
Pages: 16-22
Firdausi Achmad (Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN), Pontiana No.19 Pontiana, West Kalimantan, Indonesia)
It is Johann Gottfried Herder, a German writer and journalist, who revealed the personality of Immanuel Kant as someone who was disciplined and not overburdening (Kant, 1990). Herder may be a representative of the admiration of the world over Kant’s personality which according to history, Kant is described as someone who was neat and organized like a well-organized universe. This is the basic idea in Kant’s moral philosophy. Kant explicitly criticized the metaphysics which he said did not correspond with the order of the human mind. The big name that can be compared with Immanuel Kant in relation to the theme of ‘regularity’ was Isaac Newton (1643-1727), an English physicist who much earlier had the hang of ‘order’ through his work Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, published in 1687 (Brumbaugh, 1963: 98).
Pages: 16-22
Firdausi Achmad (Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN), Pontiana No.19 Pontiana, West Kalimantan, Indonesia)