Home adjustment as related to mental health among professional college students

Pages: 685-689
Manoj Kumar and Kiran Sahu (Department of Psychology, G. D. H. G. (PG) College, Moradabad )

The World Health Organization defines mental health as “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community” (Stephen et al., 2005). Neither mental nor physical health can exist alone. Mental, physical, and social functioning is interdependent. Mental health is the ability to make adjustment to the external world. It is the abilities to accept and face the realities of life (Bhatia, 1982). It is the adjustment of a person to another person effectively to face the realities of life. It is a way of person to think, act and feel when comes in contact with real life situation. For this purpose a sample of 60 professional college students was taken from a college for assessing their Mental Health and Home Adjustment. This study utilized Mental Health Check – List (MCH) to assess Mental Health and Bell Adjustment inventory to assess Home Adjustment. Results indicated positive relationship between the Mental Health and Home Adjustment. Mental health is the foundation for well-being and students with poor mental health can experience problems related to adjusting to Home, Society, School and College.


Pages: 685-689
Manoj Kumar and Kiran Sahu (Department of Psychology, G. D. H. G. (PG) College, Moradabad )