Prevalence, socio-demographic characteristic and gender difference in risk taking behaviour among school going adolescences in Ranchi

Pages: 1530-1534
Sini Joseph (Department of Clinical Psychology, Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi, Jharkhand)
C. R. J. Khess (Director Professor of Psychiatry, Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi, Jharkhand)
Masroor Jahan (Department of Clinical Psychology, Ranchi Institute of Neuropsychiatry and Allied Sciences, Ranchi, Jharkhand)

The risk-taking behaviour in adolescence is a major issue in recent times which has significant consequence to the individual as well as to the society. The risk behaviour includes risky driving, cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse, illegal drug abuse, risky sexual behaviour, risky eating behaviour, violence, deviant behaviour and increased suicide rate. A cross sectional study was carried out to find out the prevalence, socio demographic characteristics and gender difference in risk taking behaviour among school going adolescents of Ranchi City, Jharkhand. 1470 Students studying in class 9 to 12 from two English medium and two Hindi medium schools of Ranchi city were assessed using socio demographic Performa and adolescent risk behaviour screen. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics chi square test. Result showed that 8% of adolescents engage in multiple risk-taking behaviours and boys engage in risk Behavior more than girls (prevalence among male was 9.6% & female 5.6%).Peak age for high risk behaviour was 15 years. Gender difference was assessed by chi square test and significant difference was obtained on religion, residence, mothers’ occupation, parents’ marital status and scores of severity of adolescent risk behaviour. In conclusion, Prevalence of adolescent engaging in multiple high risk behaviour is 8% and male are more prone for engaging in risk behaviour and psychosocial factors such as religion, residence, family influence and severity of risk behaviour are different for male and female adolescents who engage in risk taking behaviour. Future research in this area must focus on relationship between various psychosocial factors and adolescent risk-taking behaviour.


Pages: 1530-1534
Sini Joseph (Department of Clinical Psychology, Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi, Jharkhand)
C. R. J. Khess (Director Professor of Psychiatry, Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi, Jharkhand)
Masroor Jahan (Department of Clinical Psychology, Ranchi Institute of Neuropsychiatry and Allied Sciences, Ranchi, Jharkhand)