Workplace spirituality and employee engagement leading to organizational citizenship behaviour

Pages: 395-398
Neelika Arora and Pallavi Bhagat (Department of HRM & OB, Central University of Jammu, Jammu)

To have a competitive edge over others, every organization is focussing on engaging their employees to become a competitive differentiator. Engaged employees have become a holistic part of success of the organizations. Employees can get engaged only if they are receiving a high performance work environment at their work place. Most of the organizations today are becoming a powerful source of competitive advantage and in order to overcome competition, physical and mental well-being of employees needs to be emphasised. Hence, employee engagement is today seen as a powerful source of competitive advantage in the turbulent times. To attain mental well being, employees perceive workplace spirituality, the thought within an individual about the work done by him and the reason behind doing that work. This can help in engaging employees which can ultimately result in organizational citizenship behaviour in them.This paper focuses on the role of workplace spirituality on employees which can help the organizations to know and develop measures so as to engage employees and retain talent thus resulting in organizational citizenship behaviour. This paper includes theoretical framework of employee engagement as a mediator between workplace spirituality and organizational citizenship behaviour. This paper proposes a conceptual model which can be helpful in understanding the impact of workplace spirituality on employee engagement which can result in the citizenship behaviour among the employees working in the organizations. This can lead to retention of employees thereby negatively impacting the “Intention to quit” in employees leaving them with a sense of belongingness with the organization and having long term relationship with the employees thus, keeping the organization economically sound.


Pages: 395-398
Neelika Arora and Pallavi Bhagat (Department of HRM & OB, Central University of Jammu, Jammu)