Women and psychological empowerment: A theoretical perspective

Pages: 393-395
Anjana Bhattacharjee and Sukriti Banda (Department of Psychology, Tripura University, Tripura)

Women Empowerment refers to the creation of an environment for women where they can make decisions of their own for their own as well as for the society. If we believe that just being educated and having job, we are empowered, it is a myth. Even the educated and economically independent women are not always free from facing violence. Domestic violence is occurring frequently and often silently. Women are not able to protest or raise their voice due to fear of social rejection. Even in this era of modern communication and globalisation women are not allowed to take decision for their own life, they are not able to participate in the decision made by the male family members. Women often perceive themselves as incompetent and in capable than their male counterparts. In such a situation it is the high time for us to rethink and re-evaluate the reasons. Why women are lacking behind? Is it only due to lack of education, economic or political engagement or for something else? In search of exploring the answers, the present article is an attempt to highlight the importance psychological empowerment in overall development of women in understanding their sense of self and women empowerment in true sense.


Pages: 393-395
Anjana Bhattacharjee and Sukriti Banda (Department of Psychology, Tripura University, Tripura)