Well-being among cancer patients
Anjana Bhattacharjee and Amrita Banerjee (Department of Psychology, Tripura University, Tripur)
The study investigated the level of wellbeing among cancer patients. The study also intended to explore the impact of gender and chronicity of illness on the wellbeing of the cancer patients. Data was collected from a sample of 100 cancer patients. Among them 50% was male cancer patients while the rest 50% was female cancer patients. All of them were selected purposively from the Regional Cancer Institute, Agartala, Tripura. Background Information Schedule and Personal Wellbeing Index were used for collecting data. The results showed no significant impact of gender and chronicity of illness on the well being of the cancer patients.
Anjana Bhattacharjee and Amrita Banerjee (Department of Psychology, Tripura University, Tripur)