Understanding of plagiarism: Need of the Hour
Pages: 703-705
Narender Kumar (Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar Library, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar)
Academic system is transformed by Google and Digital contents. The growth and development of academics may be seen in two phases i.e. before Google and after Google. Everyone will find a lot of difference. Before Google, the syllabi and study contents were available in print form. Scholars were carried their study materials in carrying bags which was itched the mind of the scholars and was difficult to carry everywhere. Even for consulting the more reference documents, they had to visit the library and information centres frequently. It was time consuming. However, after Google a drastic change has arrived in every sphere of life in general and academics in particular. With this emerging concept, the contents are available in digital and electronic form. Thereby, the accessibility of contents is become possible round the clock without any restriction and limitations. The portable and storage problem of desired contents has almost addressed and resolved. But few challenges and issues have also stood up in front of the twenty first century academics. Among all challenges and issues, plagiarism is the most prominent issue as of now that stood as giant in front of the academics and academicians. The present paper will try to elicit its basics, Seriousness of plagiarism in Indian academic system, Consistent decision in plagiarism detection, Reasons scholars plagiarize, Legal challenges to university decisions, Role of libraries to combat with plagiarism and Orientation programs in order to address the plagiarism.
Pages: 703-705
Narender Kumar (Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar Library, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar)