Traffic flow survey of Bikaner chowk, Hisar
Pages: 303-305
Vibha Kaushik (Department of Geography, D. N. College, Hisar, Haryana)
Traffic flow survey is a socio economic survey. It tells us about social and economic level of any area and the development of any area depends upon the good means of transportation. In traffic flow survey information regarding various aspects of transportation is collected. This kind of survey is mainly performed in the vicinity of main chowks of any city. Modes and types of transportation show the development of that area because if heavy vehicles are main over that area it represents that that area is highly industrial or very busiest route. Vehicle flow doesn’t remain same in all parts of that city. It changes temporally and spatially.
Pages: 303-305
Vibha Kaushik (Department of Geography, D. N. College, Hisar, Haryana)