
The patient: A holistic approach

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Pages: 847-849
Jal Mistry and Sushila Yadav (Vedanta Cultural Foundation, Mumbai, Maharashtra)

Diseases are rampant in human society. Some are clearly diagnosable by the medical profession, others not so well diagnosed. Medical colleges confine their structure of learning wholly to the physical body. However certain diseases seem to go beyond physical causes and extend to mental causes. The example discussed in this paper is that of stress. It affects millions of people, leading to many diseases, but rare is a doctor who can explain the origin and cause of stress. The medical fraternity’s knowledge beyond the physical body seems lacking. What gives impetus to the body, what propels the body? This takes us to the realm of thought. The nature, role and relationship of thought with the physical body are explained. Stress is analyzed as a state of mind caused by uncontrolled indiscriminate thought, which can be controlled by discriminate thought. With this approach the serious and often fatal repercussions of stress on the physical body can be avoided. Thereby eliminating the cause instead of treating the effects of stress. With a comprehensive understanding of how the human personality functions doctors would be able to view patients from a holistic perspective. Giving patients a correct diagnosis along with a complete treatment plan.


Pages: 847-849
Jal Mistry and Sushila Yadav (Vedanta Cultural Foundation, Mumbai, Maharashtra)