Stratigies for coping with anxiety: An experimental study
Pages: 426-427
Garima Choudhary and Jyoti Meena (Department of Human Development, Banasthali University, Banasthali, Rajasthan)
Everyone periodically experiences fear and anxiety. Fear is an emotional, physical, and behavioral response to an immediately recognizable external threat (e.g. an intruder, a runaway car). Anxiety is a distressing, unpleasant emotional state of nervousness and uneasiness; its causes are less clear. Life today is fast and full of competition. There is a constant urge within everybody’smind to get ahead in life, to earn more, to live up to expectation of others and finally to get noticed. Due to rapid change in our society, the life styles of the individual have totally changed over the years. Therefore, the ability to help student and learn such important skills. They need to find out sources of acquiring the necessary kinds of knowledge and students are experiencing role overload, role stagnation and self role distance. Therefore by keeping this view in mind this study was conducted to find out whether Yoga techniques have any effect on the anxiety level of students. The study was conducted on total sample of 50 adolescent boys through purposive random sampling. All the students were taken from B.Tech 1st year students of IIT Delhi. Anxiety relaxation package was prepared for the students to overcome their daily life anxiety. These techniques were provided to the students. After a period of gap the impact was assessed. Results reveal a significant decrease in the anxiety level of students. These yoga and meditation techniques brought the positive changes among the students.
Pages: 426-427
Garima Choudhary and Jyoti Meena (Department of Human Development, Banasthali University, Banasthali, Rajasthan)