
Role of ethics for ecologically sustainable society

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Pages: 429-431
Fatima Shahnawaz (Department of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh)

Man-environment interface has always been very important for psycho-social adjustment. Adjustment is a simple concept but has a very deep-rooted functional importance in influencing ecology. Ethic is a set of moral values that govern behavior in terms of what is good and what is bad, whereas ecology deals with the inter-relationship of organism with environment. The concept of ethics and ecology are highly inter-related for building an ecologically sustainable society. For this reason, the present deliberation is focused on to examine the role of ethics for ecologically sustainable society. It is in fact a universally accepted notion that ethics guides human behavior that directly influence environment. Right ethical values give rise to healthy environment, hence, health of anything is most likely to sustain for a long duration whereas, unhealthy environment generally create chaos, tension and other environmental hazards which negatively influence sustainability. It means that men’s mind-body relationship is a very relevant aspect that equip him/herself and with regard to the perception for others. Such perceptual and attitudinal development gives rise to the type of ethical perception and attitude that become functional in interpersonal relationship at intra-individual, inter-individual and inter-group levels. In fact, mind-body relationship seems to be an important and significant for the development of ecologically sustainable society. But what is happening that people generally focusing on scientific development for developing ecologically sustainable society which is highly unrealistic and non-functional approach. The present deliberation will focus on the aspect that how through ethical development, one can build healthy environment for ethically sustainable society in which broadly socialization process plays a pivotal role. Socialization process starts from the very birth of the child and continues till death. The type of socialization is instrumental in inculcating ethics and subsequently ethical principle and values build environment that influence everyones’ behavior which are most likely to build social-ecology and social ecology in turn may most likely to influence societies’ sustainability.


Pages: 429-431
Fatima Shahnawaz (Department of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh)