Role of adjustment in female adolescents of nuclear and joint families in Darjeeling district
Pages: 717-720
Bijoyeta Das (Department of Psychology, Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam)
The family is a complex and dynamic institution in India, and for many decades, several studies were carried out to understand this complexity. Few studies indicate that family plays a vital role on the adjustment level of individual. Adolescent girls are believed to go through critical time of life when important decisions are made that could dramatically impact the future trajectory of lives: for example, about marriage or whether to stay in school. The Present study was conducted to find out the role of adjustment in female adolescents of Nuclear and Joint families in Darjeeling District. Descriptive Survey Method was used for collecting data using personal information Schedule developed by the investigator. Bell Adjustment Inventory was also used for this purpose. The sample Comprised of randomly selected 30 adolescents (15 from nuclear & 15 from Joint families) studying in classes XI and XII of CBSE Schools in Darjeeling district. The aim of the study was to find out the overall adjustment level of female adolescents in nuclear and joint families. Adolescents were taken from both hills and plains area of the District. The statistical analysis of the study would be done by using SD to measure the co-efficient of correlation and t-test to measure the scores of the sample.
Pages: 717-720
Bijoyeta Das (Department of Psychology, Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam)