
Relationship between Social Safeness and Resilience amongst College Students: An Empirical Study

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Page: 392-396
Sharmistha Chakroborty and Nutan Vohra (Department of Psychology, Acharya Narendra Dev Nagar Nigam Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Kanpur CSJM University, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh)

College life, an eagerly awaited time for every student, is also immensely influential because of the wide variety of experiences typically gathered during this phase. Along with an emerging social identity, the young students also face the challenge of adapting to greater social responsibilities as well as achievement of their social, emotional and aspirational needs. Given this scenario, a question worth investigating is, what can make the college students more adept at handling the various demands of life. Research evidence points to the fact that early attachment experiences and later affiliative bonds influence the success of this process. In this milieu, the present study investigated whether there exists a relationship between social safeness and resilience among 60 (30 male & 30 female) undergraduate college students using Social Safeness and Pleasure Scale (Gilbert et al., 2009) and Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale 25 (Connors & Davidson, 2003). The results revealed that social safeness and resilience are positively related amongst the college students. Social safeness was also found to be a positive predictor of resilience.


Page: 392-396
Sharmistha Chakroborty and Nutan Vohra (Department of Psychology, Acharya Narendra Dev Nagar Nigam Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Kanpur CSJM University, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh)