Reading-writing skills among children in government schools and parental education
Pages: 28-30
Shallu Rana and Sheela Sangwan (Department of Human Development and Family Studies, I. C College of Home Science, CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana)
The development of reading and writing skills during the early years is vital for sound foundation of learning among children. There is ample amount of research backed evidence which suggest that emergent literacy skills facilitates the seamless transition of child to formal learning environment and understanding of new concepts. The assessment was carried out on 400 rural children from the six government schools of Hisar and Fatehabad district of Haryana state. The results of mean comparison as per mother’s education highlights that no significant mean difference was observed among children’s reading and writing skills. Significant mean differences existed among children’s reading writing skills when compared as per father’s education. Children whose fathers were more educated than others had higher scores in aspects like vocabulary, visual perception and copying test.
Keywords: parental education, reading-writing skills, school children
Pages: 28-30
Shallu Rana and Sheela Sangwan (Department of Human Development and Family Studies, I. C College of Home Science, CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana)