Quality of life, satisfaction with life and alcohol and substance-related expectancy among university students
Pages: 312-319
Shahnawaz Ahmad and Atiq Ahmed (Department of Social Work, Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer, Rajasthan)
To study quality of life, satisfaction with life, and alcohol and substance related expectancy among the students, and to analyze the relation between different variables, independents and dependent. This study used three standardized tools for the collection of data viz. WHOQOL BREF, Satisfaction with life scale – Diener, Emmons, Larsen and Griffin (1985) and Alcohol and Drugs Attitude Saini and Singh (2010). The students of the Central University of Rajasthan constituted the universe of the study, and a total 50 students taken for the survey. University joint Email id network used for the data collection. The entire primary data collected from respondents analyzed with the help of quantitative techniques. Depicted that the mean of Physical Quality of Life: M=14.9276, std(X) =2.43296, Psychological Quality of Life: M=12.9600, std(X)=1.61714, Social Relationship Quality of Life: M= 15.0667, and std(X)=2.71052, Environment Quality of Life: M=13.7000, std(X)=2.40111, Total Quality of Life: M=25.9800, std(X)=0 .14142, Alcohol and Substance Expectancy: M=74.9200, σ = 25.54455, Satisfaction with Life: M=23.8800 and std(X) = 5.74216. There were 44 percent respondents found with Normal Expectancy, 50 percent with Moderate level Expectancy, and rest 6 percent had High Expectancy-related to alcohol and substances. In respect of satisfaction with life, it was reported that 8 percent of respondents were Extremely Satisfied, 40 percent were satisfied, 32 percent were Slightly Satisfied, 2 percent were neutral, 12 percent Slightly Dissatisfied, 4 percent were dissatisfied, and rest 2 percent found extremely dissatisfied with their life.
Pages: 312-319
Shahnawaz Ahmad and Atiq Ahmed (Department of Social Work, Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer, Rajasthan)