Quality and efficiency of bachelor education programme in Delhi
Pages: 14-17
Seema (Department of Education, Singhania University, Rajasthan)
The present study examined the quality, relevance and efficiency of B.Ed Colleges in terms of their physical infrastructure, human resource, curriculum, school experience, feedback, need of the school, need of student and efficiency appraisal. The sample was comprised of B.Ed. College of Delhi purposively. The sample was comprised of 17 college principals, 119 teacher educators and 340 teacher trainees, 17 school principals and 17 parents. The questionnaire for the quality, relevance and efficacy appraisal were developed by the researcher. In order to interpret the data, simple percentage was calculated and the qualitative analysis was done to interpret the analysis. The results indicated that most of the participants in the study were not satisfied with the existing physical infrastructure, human resource and curriculum of the course, which are the significant predictors of the quality of education. The efficacy indicators of secondary teacher education programme were assessed with respect to estimated cost to the teacher education programme, cost being borne by the students gain in skills of the teaching.
Pages: 14-17
Seema (Department of Education, Singhania University, Rajasthan)