Psychosocial correlates of eating disorders in adolescent girls
Pages: 345-349
N. R. Jain and A.V.S. Madnawat (Department of Psychology, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan)
The present study aspired to investigate whether Peer Attribution, Depression, Self-esteem, Body Dissatisfaction and Body Mass Index are significant predictors of Bulimia Nervosa in Female College and University Students. It was hypothesized that Peer Attribution, Depression, Self-esteem, Body Dissatisfaction and Body Mass Index will be significant predictors of Bulimia Nervosa in Female College and University Students. A purposive sample of 300 Female College and University Students (age range 18-25 years) from various Colleges and Universities located in Jaipur and Ajmer city was selected. The Predictor Variables were measured by Peer Attribution Scale (Lieberman, 2001), Beck Depression Inventory Second Edition (BDI-II; Beck, Steer & Brown, 1996), Rosenberg Self-esteem Inventory (Rosenberg, 1995) and Body Mass Index whereas the Criterion/Outcome variable was measured by Eating Disorder Inventory – 3 (EDI-3) (Garner, David M., 2004). The Correlational Research Design along with Regression Model was employed. The Multiple Regression Analysis was computed to investigate whether Peer Attribution, Depression, Self-esteem, Body Dissatisfaction and Body Mass Index are significant predictors of Bulimia Nervosa in Female College and University Students. It was empirically proved that Peer Attribution, Depression and Body Dissatisfaction are significant positive predictors whereas Self-esteem and Body Mass Index are significant negative predictors of Bulimia Nervosa in Female College and University Students. The results are interpreted in the light of existing researches.
Pages: 345-349
N. R. Jain and A.V.S. Madnawat (Department of Psychology, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan)