Psychological study on the drop out cases in school going age in the Chhattisgarh state specially Raipur and Jashpur districts
Pages: 85-90
Priyamvada Shrivastava and Gokaran Janghel (SoS Psychology, Pt. R. S. S. University Raipur, C.G.)
Sudhanshu Bhatt (School of Regional Studies & Research Pt. R. S. S. University Raipur, Chhatisgarh)
To find out psychological reasons of dropout in the elementary and middle school going students in Chhattisgarh state (Raipur and Jashpur district). The sample size of study consists of 400 students .They were selected from different schools (primary & middle school) in session 2013-14 in Raipur &Jashpur districts. The sample size for study was selected on the basis of stratified random sampling technique in the rural and urban areas of different blocks of Raipur and Jashpur district Chhattisgarh. The survey type of research design is applying to data collection in the present study. The main components in a student education are student himself, parents & teachers. Thus to find out reasons of students drop out from the school, questionnaires were prepared to know the perception of student related to CPR (Child Parent Relationship), PF (peer factor), IS (interest in studies), TSR (teacher student relationship). An attempt was made to find out the students opinion on these aspects which may force them to dropout from the school. The factors related to student dropout were also examined. For this purpose MANOVA was computed. present study showed following factors responsible for dropouts :- migration, low interest in studies for student and parents, economic conditions for parents, lack of basic facilities in home, education level of parents, lack of fear for parents and teachers, and lack of respect for teacher and parents.
Pages: 85-90
Priyamvada Shrivastava and Gokaran Janghel (SoS Psychology, Pt. R. S. S. University Raipur, C.G.)
Sudhanshu Bhatt (School of Regional Studies & Research Pt. R. S. S. University Raipur, Chhatisgarh)