Promotive/protective factors of resilience in empirical literature (2001-2017): Emotional intelligence, critical thinking and family functioning
Pages: 2142-2159
S.K. Sahanowas (Department of Education, Narayangarh Govt. College, Rathipur, West Bengal)
Santoshi Halder (Department of Education, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, West Bengal)
Resilience is a stress-coping ability, helps individual to face positively and deal with adversity and give strength to get back to normal situation after going through difficulties. It is multidimensional innate as well as developed construct changes over time context to context. A key requirement of resilience is the presence of both risks and promotive factors that either help bring about a positive outcome or reduce/avoid a negative outcome. The promotive factors that can help to avoid the negative effects of risks may be either assets or resources (Fergus & Zimmerman, 2005). Researchers here have tried to explore the effective factors through literature review, especially the effect of emotional intelligence, critical thinking and family functioning on resilience. Eighty research papers were finalised in the year between 2001 and 2019 from 19 countries through inclusive and exclusive criterion. It was revealed that various cognitive, affective and social factors effect on psychological and academic resilience. Furthermore, it was found that in the selected literature emotional intelligence was the stronger predictor than general or spiritual intelligence. The study would help to find the research gaps for further study.
Pages: 2142-2159
S.K. Sahanowas (Department of Education, Narayangarh Govt. College, Rathipur, West Bengal)
Santoshi Halder (Department of Education, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, West Bengal)