Problems of third gender in Maharashtra : A study from social exclusion to social inclusion
Pages: 1958-1961
Preety Kamble, Jahanara, and Dipak Bose (Department of Anthropology and Social Work, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh)
Third gender community in India is an important part of society. Even, law can’t deny their existence. We live in 21st century where human rights are assured and preserved for human beings except the third gender. Despite all constitutional guarantees, the Third gender is even denied to have their basic rights like Right to Dignity, Personal Liberty, Education, Freedom of expression, etc. The present research paper deals with the problems, Third gender face in a developing country like India. The study focuses on the continuous denying equality and the continuous social distinction and apathy towards Hijras, who, because of their paradoxical sex identity, are marginalized. These individuals are generally denied their family and other social groups and experience various types of social exclusion. They are most frequently compelled into types of ritualized begging, forced into prostitution because they are refused adequate schooling, health care and job opportunities. The study also covers how the Third gender is excluded from the society and what the law and order is doing to convert that social exclusion into social inclusion.
Pages: 1958-1961
Preety Kamble, Jahanara, and Dipak Bose (Department of Anthropology and Social Work, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh)