Predictors of perceived stress among university students

Pages: 324-328
Satyananda Panda, Madhuparna Mandal and Rajashree Barman (Department of Psychology, Sikkim University, Gangtok, Sikkim)

Transition of students from school environment to university environment could cause a psychological, academic and social shock to them, since this educational system has huge differences: the student will face new methods of teaching, academic requirements, type of relations between students and faculties and even relations among students themselves. The study aimed to understand the factors of stress experienced by university students. A qualitative approach has been undertaken to assess students’ stress. The sample consisted of 60 students (thirty male and thirty female students) from different streams of Sikkim University were selected. In-depth interview was used to assess the factors of stress among university students. The interview assesses the perceived factors of stress of the university students arising from four dimensions of their academic life. Participants’ responds were evaluated and analyzed. Data was analyzed in terms of intrapersonal, interpersonal, academic and environmental factors and it was found that males go through intrapersonal stress more than females’ i.e. 21.6% while females go through academic stress more than males’, i.e., 16.6%. It was also found that students of science stream suffer from academic factor of stress 18.3% and the students of arts stream suffer from interpersonal factor of stress i.e. 16.6%. This is because the males tend to take stress for the self being and simultaneously for the future, neglecting the academic stress or performance unlike the females. The female students seem to be stressed often for their academic pressure and performance. It is important to reduce stress among the students to strengthen their coping resources to perform well in every mean of catharsis of life. This could be achieved if a counseling centre is provided at the institutions. Sometimes, a general counseling session often helps to get rid of the sufferings. Besides, extra-curricular activities can also help to reduce stress levels among the students simultaneously with the studies.


Pages: 324-328
Satyananda Panda, Madhuparna Mandal and Rajashree Barman (Department of Psychology, Sikkim University, Gangtok, Sikkim)