Positive peer pressure and behavioral support
Prerana Baruah and Binny Borkha Boruah (Department of Psychology, Gauhati University, Gauhati, Assam)
Peer pressure in general means influence from a peer group or an individual to change their attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors so as to conform to the expectations of the group. It plays a large role in the social and emotional development of children and adolescents. From the age of 12 onwards the importance of peer increases as a reference group or as a model of conformity with respect to style, taste, appearance, ideology and value. Mostly people generalize peer pressure as a negative thing. But peer pressure can be negative as well as positive. It is negative when there is peer pressure to associate in risk taking behaviors such as delinquency, drug abuse, sexual behaviors and reckless driving. Peer pressure can also have positive effects when pressured by peers towards positive behavior such as to study hard, be social and give time to family. The present study examines the nature of the positive side of peer pressure in children and how it affects their behavior in the developmental stages.
Prerana Baruah and Binny Borkha Boruah (Department of Psychology, Gauhati University, Gauhati, Assam)