Personality and sources of meaning
Pages: 1768-1774
Hasrat (Department of Psychology, Panjab University, Chandigarh)
The aim of the present study was to understand the relationship between personality traits and sources of meaning. For this purpose, a sample of 40 individuals were taken between the age range of 30-50 years. The sample was also equally divided on the basis of gender, i.e., total 20 females and 20 males. The scales used for the study were: Big Five Inventory-10 (BFI-10) by Rammstedt and John (2007) and Personal Meaningful Profile-Brief (PMP-B) by McDonald, Wong, and Gingras (2012). The t test conducted to highlight gender differences in personality traits and sources of meaning indicated statistically significant differences in Extraversion [t (38) = 2.261, p=<0.05] and Neuroticism [t (38) = 3.085, p=<0.01], Achievement [t (38) = 8.204, p=0.001], Relationship [t (38) = 2.165, p=<0.05], Self-Transcendence [t (38) = 2.676, p=<0.05], Self-Acceptance [t (38) = 2.381, p=<0.05] and Total PMP [t (38) = 2.585, p=<0.05]. Correlational analysis indicated significant positive correlation between Agreeableness and Self-Transcendence (0.463), Agreeableness and Self-Acceptance (0.428), Agreeableness and Fair treatment (0.459) and Conscientiousness and Religion (0.450) at p=0.01. A statistically significant positive correlation between Extraversion and Achievement (0.354), Extraversion and Relationship (0.379), Extraversion and Self-Transcendence (0.328), Agreeableness and Relationship (0.328) and Agreeableness and Religion (0.392) at p=0.05 was indicated. A statistically significant negative correlations at p=0.01 were indicated between Neuroticism and Achievement (-0.616), Self-Transcendence (-0.463) and Self-Acceptance (-0.433). Regression analysis was also conducted.
Pages: 1768-1774
Hasrat (Department of Psychology, Panjab University, Chandigarh)