Personality and social adjustment among transgender
Pages: 1131-1134
Jharna Ganguly and Kamayani Mathur (Department of Psychology, School of Psychology, Philosophy & Education, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat)
Transgender are stigmatized in many parts of the world but has become more widely known in Western culture in the mid to late 20th century, concurrently with the sexual revolution and the development of sexual reassignment surgeries. The aim of present research was to study and compare personality and its various dimension (neuroticism-emotional stability, extraversion-introversion) as well as social adjustment. A total sample of 30 trans gender was selected by stratified sampling method as representative sample and was further divided as per age group (25 to 35 & age 35 to 47 years) and area of habitat (urban & rural). Maudsley Personality Inventory (MPI) (Jalota & Kapoor, 1975) and Social Adjustment Inventory (SAI-D) (Deva, 2005) were selected as tools. The collected data was analysed using statistical software package and students ‘t’ test was calculated. The findings showed a significant difference between the dimensions of Neuroticism-Emotional stability, Extraversion/ Introversion and the age group and area of habitat of transgender. The calculated results of Social Adjustment Inventory indicated a significant difference between the area of habitat and the emotional adjustment of transgender. It can be inferred that due to the discrimination they face since school that they never have enough confidence to continue studying and become eligible for all the white collar jobs. The main problems that are being faced by the transgender community are of discrimination, unemployment, lack of educational facilities, homelessness, lack of medical facilities like HIV care and hygiene, depression, hormone pill abuse, tobacco and alcohol abuse, penectomy and problems related to marriage and adoption.
Pages: 1131-1134
Jharna Ganguly and Kamayani Mathur (Department of Psychology, School of Psychology, Philosophy & Education, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat)