
New generation teacher: Roles and responsibilities

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Pages: 817-818
Suraj Kumar (Department of Education, Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh, Haryana)

Why do individuals teach, what are their hopes, what requests and desires are made of them? What are their professional satisfaction, and how would they address the inescapable troubles and dissatisfactions of a standout amongst the most difficult of all occupations? These were among the inquiries tended to by teachers in reacting to the questionnaire survey, and in interviews where teachers as well as with principals, school administrators, system officials, teacher instructors and researcher obtain face. It is not just fresher teachers still instilled with youthful enthusiasm, very much experienced teachers and those entering from different vocations also show esteems which are basically social. That is, individuals pick a teaching vocation since they wish to associate decidedly and accommodatingly with the lives of others, to have any kind of effect. Here, emerges the role of a ‘New Generation Teacher’ not only for providing first aid to students experiencing depressive pressures and fears but also assisting them until the crisis are resolved.


Pages: 817-818
Suraj Kumar (Department of Education, Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh, Haryana)