Needs of family of persons with intellectual disability

Pages: 1706-1709
Jagan Mudgade and Vaidhai Jadhav (Department of Special Education (GF), NIEPID Regional Centre, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra)

Families are the critical agents in the care, management and habilitation of individuals with intellectual disabilities. Disability places a set of extra demands or challenges on the family system. Most of these demands last for a longer time. The present study used to explore parental stress in families with children with Disabilities. This study also examines parent’s response to questions concerning the stress they are dealing with friends, family and doctors or other professionals. This study elaborates the assessment of the 25 families at NIEPID Regional Centre, Navi Mumbai. Further this work focuses on the impact raising a child with disabilities can have on the parents life. This study shows the needs considering the unique circumstances, what help should be given to parents, will also be studied in further research. When a child with disability is responsibility for the families, this may cause extra set of responsibilities on parents and this may increase their stress level mentally and May also increases other problems like financial crisis, more environmental pressure on such parents. There are many considerable events and much research which have proven this. However there are many parents who have shown positive look out for their child condition or disabilities. Vast research has shown that various adaptation and maladaptation of different habits may increase or suppress the different problems which may increase the difficulties. Multiple studies have found the nature and severity of child’s disability to be significantly related to parental stress, as well as a child’s temperament, behaviour problems and demands placed upon the parents. Variations in family environment have also been associated with successful family adaptation, and support networks beyond the immediate family have been identified as important mediators in parental stress.


Pages: 1706-1709
Jagan Mudgade and Vaidhai Jadhav (Department of Special Education (GF), NIEPID Regional Centre, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra)