Meeting the aspirations of the rural audience: A study of Haribhoomi
Pages: 360-362
Baljinder Kaur (Department of Communication Management & Technology, G.J.U. S. &T., Hisar, Haryana)
Newspaper is one of the oldest media vehicles to disseminate news and information. It tries to gratify needs of each and every section of our society. Readers can be divided into various sections on the basis of gender, class, economic condition, geographical locations etc. Each and every section of potential readers is of utmost importance for a newspaper. One of the important sections of readers is rural reader, as they are the most fastly emerging section of newspaper readers. In a reverse trend to the rest of the world, newspaper readership is increasing in India and that is because of the wedlock between increasing demand for newspaper in rural areas and market forces’ interest in rural areas. So here it is prudent to find out that how much a newspaper is putting its’ efforts for rural readers. So Haribhoomi which is widely circulated newspaper in Haryana, chosen for its’ content analysis. Broad objective of this content analysis was to study the editorial package, the newspaper offered to woo the readers.
Pages: 360-362
Baljinder Kaur (Department of Communication Management & Technology, G.J.U. S. &T., Hisar, Haryana)