Marital adjustment and life stress as related to family environment of female customer care executives working in Call Centres
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Pages: 273-276
Sudha Katyal, Narinder Singh and Jaskirat Kaur (Govt. Home Science College, Chandigarh, Punjab)
The aim of research investigation was to study marital adjustment and life stress as related to family environment of married female customer care executives working in call centres. The study was conducted on 100 married female customer care executives between the age of age group of 25-30 years, randomly selected from different call centers in Chandigarh and Panchkula city. Marital Adjustment Questionnaire (Kumar & Rohtagi, 1976) was used for determining the marital adjustment; Family Environment Scale (Vohra, 1997) was used for assessing the different dimensions of family environment and Life Stress Questionnaire was developed by the investigator in order to assess the level of stress in the married female customer care executives. Pearson’s coefficient of correlation and multivariate linear regression was used to analyze the obtained date. The findings reveled that marital adjustment had highly significant positive correlation with the various dimensions of family environment and there was also significant negative correlation between life stress and various dimensions of family environment. Furthermore, multivariate linear regression analysis indicated that cohesion and recreational orientation of the family environment had revealed significant positive prediction for the marital adjustment scores. The findings have pointed towards the role of positive family environment for dealing with dual responsibilities and maintain harmonious adjustment at home for married female customer care executives.
Pages: 273-276
Sudha Katyal, Narinder Singh and Jaskirat Kaur (Govt. Home Science College, Chandigarh, Punjab)