Marital adjustment and life satisfaction among employed and unemployed females
Manju (Department of Applied Psychology, GJUS&T, Hisar, Haryana)
An interpersonal relationship is an association between two or more people that may range from fleeting to enduring. A relationship is normally viewed as a connection between two individuals, such as a romantic or intimate relationship. These relationships usually involve some level of interdependence. Close relationships are important for emotional well-being throughout the lifespan. The present study was conducted to see the relationship between marital adjustment and life satisfaction. Another aim was to see whether employment has positive or negative effect on life satisfaction and marital adjustment. A sample of 100 females was taken out of which 50 were employed and 50 were unemployed. Marital adjustment scale and life satisfaction scale were administered to all subjects. Obtained data was analyzed by correlation and t test. Results revealed positive relationship between marital adjustment and life satisfaction. Significant differences were also observed in employed and unemployed females.
Manju (Department of Applied Psychology, GJUS&T, Hisar, Haryana)