Is resilience a key determinant in the success of entrepreneurs?
Pages: 676-679
Shruti Sharma (Department of Psychology, Amity University, Dubai)
Sonakshi Ruhela (Department of Psychology, Amity University, Dubai)
Resilience is a key trait among entrepreneurs and is one of the most significant ones that sets successful entrepreneurs apart from the rest (Malgorzata, 2016). It is not a fixed capacity and can be actively built as well as reduced in the face of several setbacks and failures, depending upon individual personality characteristics (Konnikova, 2016). The aim of this study is to analyze the factors contributing to resilience in entrepreneurs and to review the resilient responses of entrepreneurs to stressful life events. The study employs review of existing literature as its methodology. Results corroborate with the hypothesis that resilience positively contributes towards the longevity and profitability of entrepreneurial ventures. Scope for further discussion and investigation could be centered around the importance of resilience in entrepreneurial education.
Pages: 676-679
Shruti Sharma (Department of Psychology, Amity University, Dubai)
Sonakshi Ruhela (Department of Psychology, Amity University, Dubai)