Influence of perceived quality of home environment and social intelligence on mental health amongst senior secondary school adolescents
Pages: 279-284
Mehmoodun Nisa and Naheed Nizami (Department of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, U.P.)
The current study was designed to predict the influence of Perceived Quality of Home Environment and Social Intelligence on Mental Health amongst senior secondary school adolescents. For this purpose data was collected from a representative sample of 248 adolescents, age range 16-18 years (both male 124 and female 124) studying in class XIth & XIIth taken from different schools of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. All the participants completed the questionnaires namely- Home Environment Inventory developed by Misra (1983), Social Intelligence Scale by Chadha and Ganesan’s (1986) and Mental Health Inventory developed by Jagdish and Srivastava (1985). After collection of data, in order to achieve the objectives of the study analysis was done by using Multiple Regression analysis step-wise and t-test. The results of the study revealed that home environment dimensions reward, conformity, protectiveness and nurturance emerged as significant predictors showed positive influence on positive self-evaluation, integration of personality and environmental competence dimensions of mental health. However, deprivation of privileges, punishment and social isolation (home environment dimensions) found to be the significant predictors showed negative influence on one of the dimension of mental health that is group oriented attitude. Also findings of multiple regression analysis revealed that social intelligence scale dimensions- sense of humors, patience and confidence emerged as significant predictors positively influence group oriented attitude among adolescents. Similarly sensitivity one of the dimensions of social intelligence emerged as significant predictor negatively influences some of the dimensions of mental health such as perception of reality, integration of personality and environmental competence. Further our study used t-test and the findings showed gender difference in terms of mental health that male group of adolescents have more better mental health as compared to their female counterparts.
Pages: 279-284
Mehmoodun Nisa and Naheed Nizami (Department of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, U.P.)