Impact of marriage time and employment level on verbal aggression: A developmental study
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Pages: 312-315
Ruchi Kakkar and Aradhana Shukla (Department of Psychology, Kumaun University Campus, Almora, Uttaranchal)
The present study was aimed at exploring the impact of marriage time and employment level of women on experiential verbal aggression in developmental perspective. It was contended that (i) variation in the marriage time would be influenced by the verbal aggression. (ii) variation in the age would cause difference in verbal aggression (iii) variation in employment level would cause differentials in verbal aggression. Two hundred forty women participants arranging between 30-55 years and they were arranged requirements of 3 way factorial design with four levels of marriage time, three levels of age and two levels of employment. 10 participants in each cell. This scale was constructed by Shukla and Kakkar and it deals with 26 five items reveling self appraisal of verbal aggression towards the spouse. Split half reliability of the test is .64 test retest reliability is .59. Obtained data analyzed by three way analysis of variance and interpreted in terms of marriage time, age and employment and it was found that (i) the effect of marriage time was not significant (ii) increased in the age caused decrease in the magnitude of verbal aggression (iii) verbal aggression was higher among employed participants than unemployed participants
Pages: 312-315
Ruchi Kakkar and Aradhana Shukla (Department of Psychology, Kumaun University Campus, Almora, Uttaranchal)