Identification of developmental delay in children of two different zones of Haryana state
Pages: 31-33
Nigam Rani and Shanti Balda (Department of Human Development and Family Studies, I.C. College of Home Science, CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana)
The present study was carried out in two cultural zones of Haryana state. One thousand primary school children in the age group of 6 to 10 years were selected from two cultural zones of Haryana state Khadar and Mewat cultural zones. These children were selected from Government primary schools. All these children were assessed personally by the investigator with the help of class teachers for their developmental status in six developmental domains- gross-motor, fine-motor, cognitive, language, social and emotional development. A checklist of developmental milestones of 6-10 years old children were used as tool of data collection. On the basis of obtained score, developmental status in different domains was categorized in three different categories, below average, average and above average. Children who fall in below average category consider a child with developmental delay. Results shows the percentage of children from both the zones found developmentally delayed in different domains: gross-motor 19.1%, fine-motor 21.3%, cognitive 18.3%, language 22.9%, social 20.7% and emotional 18.3% respectively. Results pin points that in Khadar zone for gross-motor19.2%, fine-motor 22.2%, cognitive 16.2 %, language20.4%, social21.0% and emotional17.4% children were found developmentally delay. Whereas in Mewat zone for gross-motor19.0%, fine-motor 20.4%, cognitive 20.4 %, language 25.4%, social 20.4% and emotional19.2% children were found developmentally delay.
Keywords: development, developmental domains, developmental delay
Pages: 31-33
Nigam Rani and Shanti Balda (Department of Human Development and Family Studies, I.C. College of Home Science, CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana)